The War Conspiracy is a Customizable Card Game based on Conspiracy Theories and modern warfare. Play the role of a 33 degree master of the Illuminati and be the first to establish the New World Order. Play cards such as Swine Flu, Aids, Terrorist Attacks, and units such as Mig-29, F-18, B-2 Spirit, etc.
This set contains all the necessary for 2 players to start playing. One US deck called 'Patriot' and another deck called 'The Mother of all Decks' which re-creates the scenario of the War in Irak.
These are the lists of both decks:
USA (Patriot)
4 x US Regular Troops 3 x US Special Operation Corps 3 x US Expeditionary Forces 1 x USS Nimitz 1 x B2 Spirit 2 x Apache 3 x Abraham M1 4 x Blue Helmet 3 x Patriot Missile 1 x F-117A 3 x F18-Hornet 1 x Terrorist Plane attack 1 x Colin Powell 1 x Cia agent 1 x Classified Documents 1 x Broadcast Network 1 x Washington Obelisk 2 x Sniper 4 x Replacement troops 4 x Recycling 2 x Press Conference 4 x Conspiracy 1 x Mission Failed 1 x George W. Bush 4 x Disinformation Magazines 2 x Bunker 2 x Voodoo
IRAQ (The Mother of all Decks)
4 x Iraq regular troops 4 x Iraq Republican guard 4 x Missile Scud 4 x Replacement troops 4 x Sniper 3 x T-54 2 x T-55 4 x Air defense 2 x Bazooka man 3 x Barbed wire 4 x Bunker 2 x Havoc 2 x Mig-29 2 x Mined Field 2 x Sadam Hussein 1 x Coup d'etat 2 x Demonstration 4 x Pacifist Rally 4 x Pamphlets 3 x Trenche
You can download a full color copy of the instructions by clicking the link on you right. Please be patient because it is around 13 Mb size.
In November 2009 a first expansion of cards will be released, including cards related to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
If you have any doubt or question please don't hesitate in contacting the author by email to