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Micro game challenger - Eterna

I Wanted to take a moment to talk about my Micro game contest entry - Eterna.

When I first heard about this contest I had written about 4 games. I started implementing one of them. A "Retreat to Woodbury Falls themed" worker placement. This was one of my best ideas! However, as I started putting it together I decided to stop. Why?!

Well as I was putting it together I realized I was just taking a good idea and trying to cram 10lbs of crap in a 5lbs bag. The small packaged, minituredized version of this game wouldn't do it justice.

This had me thinking. what is a "Micro" game and not just a small packaged game?

I looked at some of the games I considered to be microgames, ones that I play regularly and they all had something in common. They used under 20 cards and came in a small package.

So I set out to create my next idea with that in mind.

Enter Eterna. -

Eterna is a full labyrinth style game in only eight cards. The entire game uses 15 cards. 5 different player cards and 8 double sided double path cards.

The basic idea is that you as the player have to find three (of five) artifacts and an exit to find in sequence.

Each player takes the deck of 8 double sided cards and manipulates the one deck to move their player piece through the labyrinth. The entirety of the game the deck will stay as one deck in which players can flip cards 180 degrees, or flip the cards onto their backs or put the top card on the bottom or flip the entire deck.

I designed a cool little feature in the game that lends it self to the shape of the cards. the poker cards work perfect because I restricted my pathways to only paths that would change the path entry and exits entirely if you flip the cards 180 degrees. The game would be impossible to play if the rules let you flip the cards 90 degrees.

I hope you guys like this game as I am truly proud of it is unique nature, playability, and most of all that is absolutely fits the criteria as a Micro game.

Eterna []
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