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One-Pound Challenge


This contest is complete, and the winner has been chosen.

{{entries.objects.length}} Entries

Game Ad Game Name Crafter Point Votes Status
{{}} Winner! Finalist Semi-Finalist

Contest start date: {{wing.format_datetime(}}

As shipping prices continue to soar and as online sales continue to grow, games that provide excellent gameplay that are also compact and inexpensive to ship become more and more enticing to both publishers and customers.

And when all it takes is a few extra dice and meeples to push a package into a more expensive shipping cost bracket, every ounce matters.

So, for this contest, your challenge is to pack as much game as possible into a box that weighs 16 ounces or less.

And the goal is to be as close to the 16 ounces as possible. (We’re not looking for micro games or 18-card wallet games!) So, get creative with how components are used. People should get done playing and wonder how in the world you fit that much game into a box that weighs so little.


  • Games in the Tiny Epic series
  • Eight-Minute Empire: Legends
  • Pandemic: The Cure
  • The Last Stronghold
  • Hunted: Kobayashi Tower


Gabe Barrett - Founder of Best With 1 Games and the Board Game Design Lab

Contest start date: {{wing.format_datetime(}}

To qualify, your game must comply with all of the following rules:

  • The game must weigh between 8 and 16 ounces. (16.01oz is not allowed) Game weight can be found in the At a Glance section on your game’s Components page.
  • Please put the weight in parenthesis after the game’s title. [GAME NAME (14.2oz)]
  • Any theme, player count, and mechanism is allowed. (All solo games will be considered for publication, but player count will have no effect on contest judging.)
  • The game should play in 60 minutes or less.
  • The game must have a printed rulebook and a box.
  • Your game may use any theme, mechanism, and player count.
  • Though not explicitly required, a 2-minute overview video is highly encouraged.
  • All artwork must be your own, commissioned by you, licensed to you, or in the public domain. Be sure to attribute your images when required.
  • Full rules must be included in the game. You can provide links to other sources, but players need to be able to learn how to play your game just by reading the rules that come in the game.
  • A PDF rules document must be downloadable from your game's shop page.
  • The total cost of your game must be less than $99.99.
  • The game must be publish-ready (as it relates to our shop, not as it relates to being finished). This means it has a logo, backdrop, shop ad, action shots, description, and cool factors. It must also have all images proofed.
  • This must be a new game created for this contest. It cannot have existed on TGC prior to the start of the contest.
  • All entries must be submitted through TGC's game editor (by clicking on the "Contests" button) no later than 6pm US Central on February 15, 2024.
  • Games and their shop page should not be changed after the contest deadline, until the finalists have been announced.
  • Contestants may submit multiple entries to this contest. Each entry will be judged separately.

You retain all rights to your game, and are welcome to sell it in The Game Crafter shop during and after the contest, regardless of the outcome of the contest. Your game does not have to be available for sale to enter the contest.

The community voting process will be used to determine 20 semi-finalists.

You can read more about TGC contests here: Game Design Contests - The Game Crafter

The winner shall receive all of the following prizes:

  • $100 from Best With 1 Games
  • A trophy to put on your mantle
  • $350 of shop credit on
  • Automatic Showcase status for their game on
  • The possibility of judging a future contest.
  • Induction into The Game Crafter Hall of Fame.
  • Semi-finalists, finalists, and the winner will all receive accolades for their achievements.

Finalists will be chosen from the group of semi-finalists by the following criteria:

  • Gameplay - Is there a lot of gameplay in a light package?
  • Creativity - Does the game overcome the weight constraint in interesting ways?
  • Product Viability - Would the game do well in the marketplace?
  • Rules Clarity - Are the rules easy to understand?
  • Shop Page - Does the shop page provide a good overview of what the game is and how it plays?

Click this link to see the semi-finalist notes.

Finalists will be judged on the following criteria. (Each section is worth 10 points):

  • Fun - Is the game enjoyable to play? Are we impressed by how much gameplay was packed inside the box?
  • Creativity - How well did the designer overcome the weight constraint?
  • Product Viability - How well would the game do in a crowdfunding campaign and on the current market?
  • X-Factor - What makes the game special and stand out from the rest?

Finalist scoring can be found here.

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