We are loading up the vehicles and preparing to head down to Indianapolis for Gen Con 2018! This is our biggest show of the year and while it's a ton of work, we love seeing everyone and running our board game candy shop! In this month's newsletter we'll cover what we're doing at Gen Con and then we'll share the new products we released this month.
Board Game Candy Shop
The Game Crafter has a Board Game Candy Shop in the exhibitor hall at booth 2555 and will be selling 300 different types of Board Game Pieces. Grab a scooper and fill your bag at a bulk discount of only $.25 per gram. This year we have DOUBLED the selection of game pieces that we're selling. Visit us early before we sell out of the best parts.
First Exposure Playtest Hall
Once again, we have a vendor table in the First Exposure Playtest Hall and it has a great selection of our products as well as friendly staff who are happy to help. Stop by to see our latest print on demand products.
The Game Crafter Community Game Night
This is our 6th annual TGC Community Game Night. The event runs from 8pm-Midnight on Friday, August 3rd at the JW Marriott Hotel. Our event will be in White River Ballroom I & J. If no one kicks us out of the ballroom after midnight, you can stay around and keep gaming until someone does! :)
This is an official Gen Con event and so you have to buy a $4 event ticket to participate. We will collect them at the door. You can also use (2) $2 generic tickets to join us as long as we have open seats in the ballroom. Purchasing an official ticket for the event guarantees your spot though.
Bring your game(s) to play or just playtest and enjoy games from other people. Game designers at the event love hearing feedback from other designers so keep that in mind while you’re playtesting.
TGC Community Social
The third night of Gen Con 2018 (Saturday, Aug 4th ) we will be hosting the 7th Annual TGC Community Social at O'Reilly's Irish Bar and Restaurant. (Located at 36 S Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46204)
They have plenty of tasty food/drink options and we can hang out as a group at our reserved tables. Right now we are planning on roughly 35 people. This is a great way to meet other game designers, artists, and people in The Game Crafter community. No tickets required, but we ask that you RSVP through the event link above.
If you're at Gen Con and have questions about our booth locations or events, please send a tweet to @thegamecrafter or @tavisparker and we'll do our best to get back to you.
Now you can design your own full color Custom Printed Meeples! These are perfect for adding extra flair to any game. Plus, you can print front and back so you can determine directionality for your Meeples.
Pricing is $0.50 per Meeple base, plus $0.75 per printed side. However, if you have 6 or more Meeples in your game, the cost drops to only $0.25 per printed side. And you can choose to print only 1 side if you like.
Since we have the technology to print custom meeples, we thought it would be awesome to sell a bunch of different Character Meeples in our Board Game Pieces Shop! So we reached out to Alisha Volkman, who is a longtime member of The Game Crafter community and a talented artist. She has created 92 characters so far and more will be coming in the near future. Character Meeples are sold individually and not in sets or groups. Here are some examples of what we have:
Browse our full collection of Character Meeples.
Have you ever wanted a sticker for a token shape or size that we didn’t have? Maybe you wanted stickers for your legacy game? Well now you can!
Introducing completely custom stickers! You can now design stickers just like you can design custom punchouts. So you can have any size or shape that you can imagine. In addition, you can mix and match your stickers on the same sheet with other stickers of the same slug size, including our predefined stickers.
Click here to browse our collection of 1,687 board game pieces.
Last month we announced our new Board Game Blueprint Youtube series. These videos will show you behind the scenes of various industry events, take you to conventions, and chat with designers in the community about how and why they make the choices they make when designing their games. Here the episodes we've released so far:
Congratulations to Chris Romansky for winning the Escape Room Challenge with his game, Casino Heist.
Solo Game Design Challenge (TGC Contest) The Finalists have been selected and the judge, Mike Wokasch, has included a spreadsheet with feedback for all semi-finalists.
TGC Community Game Night at Gen Con (Aug 3, 8pm-Midnight) Meet other game designers in our community, play games, and get feedback on your prototypes. Click on the event title above to buy your official ticket.
TGC Community Social at Gen Con (Aug 4, 7pm-11pm) We are hosting the TGC Community Social at O'Reilly's Irish Bar and Restaurant! They have plenty of food/drink options and we can hang out as a group at our reserved tables. Right now we are planning on roughly 35 people. Event is free and does not require GenCon event ticket. Please RSVP so we know how many are attending and can let the restaurant know final numbers.
Coulee Con Protospiel (Aug 24-26) Coulee Con 2018 will host a one-day Protospiel on Saturday August 25th! The Game Crafter will be providing some blank components and game pieces for designers. The event is powered by Tabletop.Events.
Phase Shift Dimensions Challenge (TGC Contest) Design a game that pushes one or more dimensional envelopes. (Deadline: Sept 17, 2018)
Protospiel Chicago 2018 (Sept 21-23) If you are a game designer you should always try and attend Protospiel events. It's the best place to playtest your games and get honest feedback about your game from other game designers. Protospiel Chicago is in Northbrook, Illinois. The event is powered by Tabletop.Events.
Crafter Con 2018 This is The Game Crafter's very own game design convention that takes place the day before Protospiel Madison (Nov 29). It's focus is on education to make you a better game designer and it features a track of seminars and workshops with industry experts. Get your badge now because there are only 18 badges left!
Protospiel Madison 2018 (Nov 30 - Dec 2) If you are a game designer you should always try and attend Protospiel events. It's the best place to playtest your games and get honest feedback about your game from other game designers. Protospiel Madison is in Madison, Wisconsin. The event is powered by Tabletop.Events.
Follow us on Instagram to see beautiful photos of our new products!