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Solo Duo Challenge, 3D Box Viewer, Change to Tuck Boxes


Hello Community

We hope your year is off to a great start! We're excited because we have some new machinery arriving soon and we can't wait to get it up and running. By now, you've probably learned that when we get new production equipment, it leads to good things for our community. But for now, let's jump into the newsletter!

Solo Duo Challenge

Solo Duo Challenge

We’re excited to partner up with the Board Game Design Lab for the new Solo Duo challenge, where you need to make a game that plays with 1 or 2 players.

Update: Our Community Anthology Challenge recently moved to the Semi-Finals!

How To Use 3D Box Viewer

How to use 3D Box Viewer

In this video, Alisha shows you how to use our 3D Box Viewer to proof your custom printed game box. This is really helpful because you’re able to see what your final box would look like. If something doesn’t look right, adjust your artwork and proof it again to make sure it’s what you want.

Game designers have also used the 3D Box Viewer in the past to make creative marketing content and we think that’s really cool!

Change to Tuck Boxes


Starting with order 274470, Tuck Boxes and the Poker Booster Box will no longer have the TGC logo printed on the inside of the boxes. This change is helpful to game designers and tarot creators who want to create a 100% white label product. If you want to advertise that your game is produced at The Game Crafter, you can always add our logo to the artwork for the outside of the box.

Explainer Video: Crowd Sales

Explainer Video - Crowd Sales

This is a great video that explains Crowd Sales, how they work for the customer, and how you can support the indie board game development community. This video was created by the designer of Memory Kings and there will be a new Crowd Sale for that game on Jan 20 thru Feb 4th.

Follow us on Instagram. Tag us in your photos and we might just share it!

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