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Roasted Empire

Win the Best of Roast Award!




Roasted Empire Overview

Can you win this year's Best of Roast award? You and your competition are making a concentrated effort to win this annual coveted award. Purchase shops to improve your brand, but make sure you have the beans and materials to handle the upkeep. Build your franchise and prove your dominance in Roasted Empire.

Build an unrivaled coffee empire and win the Best of Roast award by managing and acquiring coffee shops and farms.

Roasted Empire is a 2 player game that takes 20 minutes to play.

With 17 unique shops and 12 unique farms across 4 themed decks that can play off each other and combo in interesting and fun ways, this game never gets boring! Add in the 12 round bonus cards and 8 goal cards each game will be require its own strategy and plan.

How To Play!


Step 1 Select 2 Theme Decks. Theme selecting image
Step 2 Shuffle Goal Cards. Draw One. Goal shuffling
Step 3 Shuffle Round Bonus Cards. Reveal 4. Round bonus draw
Step 4 Shuffle Empire Cards. Shuffle cards.


Game Play

Over 4 rounds execute the following phases.

Drafting Phase Where players start to formulate their strategy and draft a total of 4 cards that will be used to create and maintain their coffee empire.
Building Phase Where players take turns playing or storing cards in their empire until all cards have been played or stored.
Reward Phase Each round consists of a round bonus card that will be granted to the player who has best met the unique criteria on the round card.
Upkeep Phase Running an empire takes effort, each of your built shops and farms have their own special needs. These needs must be met during the upkeep phase.
End Phase If all rounds have been completed it is time to tally the score and see which empire will win the Best of Roast award, otherwise start the next round.

Drafting Phase

Deal each player 5 cards.
Each player drafts one and passes the remaining cards to the other player.
Repeat until each player has 4 cards. Discard remaining cards.


Building Phase

Take turns playing or storing cards.


Reward Phase

Player who best meets the round criteria gains the round bonus card.


Upkeep Phase

Each player resolves all upkeep triggers.
Each player verified shops can be maintained.



End Phase

Check if all rounds have been completed.
Award goal card.
Tally points on shops, shipped cards and bonus points.


Play Through!

Try it on Tabletop Simulator! py7KWV4.png Steam Workshop::Roasted Empire


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date February 18, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Unique Cards
  • Many Strategies and Combos
  • Quick and Strategic


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