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Seven Screams Seven Trials

Players bid against each other, to injure opponents and escape from eternal damnation




Seven Screams, Seven Trials

(Escape from a horrible fate)

You sold your soul for wealth, prestige and power. Now you must pay the Devil his due. You are falling into the jaws of Hell, filled with despair and regret. At that moment, the Devil gives you one last opportunity, perhaps it is out of pity? Of the miserable souls descending into eternal agony, one of you shall be spared. You must gamble with your Hope to save your Life in a contest of Seven Trials. You must use your wits, you must lie, bluff, and intimidate others so that you can take away your opponents Hope and obliterate their Lives. With that victory, you will be given another chance to live.

Seven Screams, Seven Trials is a fast paced, easy to learn bidding game filled with difficult decisions. The object is to survive all of the bidding rounds ("Trials") with more Life tokens than your opponents. The player with the most Life, wins. Players are pitted against each other to win Trials in order to have the power to weaken and ultimately destroy their opponents, by bidding Hope, the currency of the game.

There is a solo mode, where the player faces the Trials against an automated adversary, the Demon. In addition, for 2 and 3 player counts, the Demon can be used to increase the difficulty of play.



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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date September 16, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Seven Screams Seven Trials web site

Why buy this?

  • High stakes bidding with limited resources and opportunities
  • Each turn forces difficult choices with fast consequences
  • Solo rules can add an extra "player" to increase challenge

Deadly Serious Games

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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