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Zaragoza 1710




The background of Zaragoza 1710 is the Spanish Succession War, facing the french-spanish Bourbon forces against the Habsburg's alliance to take the throne of the Spanish Empire. This two players game evokes the battle fought at the gates of Saragossa the 20th August 1710. In this battle were present the two candidates to the Spanish Crown: Phillip, Duke of Anjou, and Charles, Archiduke of Austria. The players must manage these and other leaders, command the troops and use the appropiate tactics to break the morale of the opposing army and force it to leave the battlefield. The game is in Spanish but the English translation is coming soon...

Zaragoza 1710 est� ambientado en la Guerra de Sucesi�n Espa�ola, que enfrentar�a las fuerzas franco-espa�olas de los Borbones contra la alianza de los Habsburgo por la consecuci�n del trono del imperio espa�ol. Este juego para dos personas evoca la batalla que tuvo lugar a las puertas de la ciudad de Zaragoza el 20 de Agosto de 1710. En esa batalla estuvieron presentes los dos candidatos a la corona espa�ola: Felipe, Duque de Anjou, y Carlos, Archiduque de Austria. Los jugadores deben utilizar a �stos y otros l�deres, comandar las tropas y usar las t�cticas adecuadas para romper la moral del ej�rcito contrario y obligarlo as� a abandonar el campo de batalla.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 15, 2010
Edition Beta
Department Games
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Alfonso Gamero Arrese

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