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12 Rays of Illumination

The Twelve Rays of Illumination work with more than 108 aspects.




The Twelve Rays of Illumination work with more than 108 aspects of your emotional and energetic and spiritual bodies by assisting you to create balance and harmony throughout these energetic areas

So what are the 12 Rays of Illumination?

The 12 Rays were identified in the early 2000’s and are based on the individual coloured rays or strengths with which we are born. They also relate to the physical aura of the body and the colours of the chakra’s as well as the colours of rainbows with which we are familiar.
They also expand on the colours and the qualities with which they imbue us on a far deeper level.

Based on a belief that these colours come from God, in whatever form you recognise or acknowledge God or a higher source and that these coloured rays meet at a point above your head – your crown chakra with the first seven rays and that they then recombine to create the additional five rays which make up the twelve.

The 12 Rays of Illumination are as follows:

Ray 1 Red: Strength, Power and Will

Ray 2 Blue: Love

Ray 3 Yellow: Active Intelligence

Ray 4 Emerald Green: Emotional Balance

Ray 5 Orange: Keen Intellect

Ray 6 Indigo: Single Mindedness

Ray 7 Violet: Perseverance, Self-Reliance, Synchronicity

Ray 8 Green / Violet Luminosity: Cleansing

Ray 9 Greenish / Blue Luminosity: Joy

Ray 10 Pearlescent Luminosity: Change

Ray 11 Orange / Pink Luminosity: Super cleansing

Ray 12 Golden: Christ Consciousness

These Rays are encoded into your system at conception and are your gifts for the life that you have chosen to live.

The individual qualities with which we are encoded from these powerful rays work with different aspects of our bodies.

In combining this spiritual knowledge with a deeper understanding of the levels of the physicality of the body and expanding on the (3) Physical, Mental, Emotional OR (4) Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Emotional to what Sheila Kennedy describes as the 9 Aspects of Being
Included in the program are the often not known levels of.

1. Physical: Pertaining to or of the physical body:

2. Mental: Pertaining to or of the mental body or mind

3. Spiritual: Pertaining to or of the levels of ‘spirit’ and spirituality

4. Emotional: Pertaining to or of the ‘emotional’ states of being of the body or ‘being’

5. Auric: The Auric or ‘outer electrical fields of the body, these electrical fields are measurable as per the information re the seven ‘Auric Fields’

6. Etheric: This subtle or energetic body may also be described as the connection between the physical ‘Aura’ and the ‘higher’ or more distant energetic bodies

7. Conceptual: Often described as relating to, or based on mental concepts, in this instance we are looking at the ‘Conceptual or first energies’ of the body as in relating to the “Conception’ of the energetic being in a human form

8. Integrated: This can be described as to make into a whole by bringing all parts together; to unify, joining with something else, uniting or to make a part of

9. Accepted: Do the individual layers and levels of the body accept one another, and if in accepting is there an ‘allowance’ of all of the individual components working together.

For example; if the body is not in a state of ‘Integration’ due to the levels of being Accepted and Allowed malfunctioning.

In creating the 12 Rays of Illumination program the 12 individual Rays are combined with the 9 Aspects of Being to activate and balance the energies of these powerful concepts within you.

Whether the cards are used alone as a focus or with the bonus vibrational sound program that has been designed to energetically support this program they coupled with your own powerful intention can have a profound and self adjusting effect on your body.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 08, 2017
Edition First
Department Self Improvement
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More Info 12 Rays of Illumination web site

Why buy this?

  • Over 12 Rays of Illumination
  • 9 Different Elements or aspects per Ray
  • Vibrational Sound Healing when using cards

Sheila Kennedy Oracles

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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