Game Prep Deal all cards out face down, no one can look at their cards, put them in a pile in front each player. After all cards are dealt, each player picks up 5 cards at random for their “hand,” players can look ONLY at these 5 cards. Each player should be holding 5 cards and have a reserve stack next to them.
Game Play Player to the left of dealer turns over a card from their pile and places it in the middle of the game playing surface. (Cannot be a special card-must be a number) This is not a take-turns type of game, if you have a card to play, go ahead, but be quick, someone else could be making a play as well. You can play above or below the numbered card so if someone plays a “3” you can play either a “2” or a “4” each time you play, draw a card from your own reserves until you are out of cards. The count goes down 5-4-3-2-1-Boom! If no play can be made, a “dead hand” occurs, the cards are re-gathered and a new dealer deals out the cards.
Scoring If you are the player that drops the boom, take those cards as a “trick” worth 15 points. Then play the highest number card in your hand. If you play the very last card in your hand after depleting your reserves, you end the hand and earn 25 points. Keep score from hand to hand, and the first person to 250 pts wins.
Specialty Cards
Boom – {Can only be played after a “1”} - Ends that round of play and earns that person who laid down the “boom” 15 points. (take cards as a trick – then play highest card In your hand)
Pause – {Can be played anytime} - Stops the game and awaits you to play your next card
Shelter – {can only be played on a “1” or “2”} -Protects from the “Boom” play it on a “1” or “2” to force it to go up before the boom can be played (if Shelter is placed on a “1” you must first go to a “2” then you can play a “1” then “Boom!” If played on a “2” you must go to “3” before going back down.)
Wild – {Can be played anytime in sequence} Substitutes any numbered card (cannot be used as a Specialty Card)