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Not enough D6, 12mm, Transparent Black in stock.


The board game that never plays the same!




Note: This is a limited print showcasing the creator's signature as well as "1st" stamping on each card. After so many prints, the signature will be removed and the "1st" stamp changed to subsequent editions, so get yours ASAP!

Adaptation is a board game that Evolves as players utilize different cards to manipulate the rules in play. Players who strategically play their cards right are able to setup their own path to victory. A number of types of cards are available throughout the deck to aid in that victory. Best of all is that Adaptation is easy to setup and get playing in just a few minutes. The basic rules to get players started are written right on the board itself!

What you get in the box is all you need to play with up to 4 players, although you could theoretically play with even more if you had your own pawn pieces. Included in the box are: Two Dice, Four Avatar Pawns, One Quad Folded Board, and 117 cards. The cards are broken down as follows: 32 Law Cards, 14 Evolution Cards, 25 Apex Cards, 23 Trait Cards, and 23 Event Cards.

Laws will set new rules going forward. Evolutions will have varying effects on players moving around the board. Events cause instant one time effects. Apexes setup win conditions around the board, and Traits are what you need to fulfill those conditions. The nature of several cards keep players engaged even when it isn't their turn!

Simply look to the board to start playing. Do your best to follow the rules upon both the board and the cards, but most of all have fun with this chaotic frenzy of ever evolving game mechanics we like to call Adaptation!


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date April 25, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Adaptation web site

Why buy this?

  • Players use cards to change the rules on the fly
  • Players use strategy to customize their own victory
  • Very easy to set up and learn to play in less than a minute!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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