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Add It Up

Add and subtract cards to get to the desired total.




A quick educational game that uses addition and subtraction to make sums that equal the total on the dice the player rolled. Great for kids 6 and up all the way up to adults. Plays like rummy, but with the added difficulty of using your math skills on the fly.

All the cards artwork were done by the 6 year old creator of the game. We have played the game as intended many nights the past 6 months and thought we would share the experience with others. We also have found a number of other ways to play with the cards as well, which we will be posting online in the coming months.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date January 30, 2015
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Created by a 6 year old
  • Fun and Educational
  • Can play with your kids in less than 15 minutes.

Wicked Games

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