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Afiko! logo


An exciting 1-Card Hide n' Seek Party Game!





What's Afiko?

My new game, Afiko! just arrived! Based on the matza-hiding ritual of the Afikoman, 1 person is tasked with hiding this card and the other players have to find it. This game was set in motion by The Game Crafter's Single Card Challenge.

Tutorial Video!

How do you play?

You choose a player to hide this card.


This card must have at least one row showing. Each row adds points!


The other players bet how many seconds they need to find this card.


Set a timer and try to find it!



If found, the finder wins the total points visible on this card minus the seconds in the bet. They can also lose points!

  • For example, she found the card showing 60 points (10+20+30), but she bet she could find it within 15 seconds so she only gets 45 points.
  • Also, losing points is risky and may not fit the vibe of your party, you can choose to omit this part for an easier time.


Otherwise, if the Card Finders all couldn't find the card in the time they betted, then the hider gets the total points visible and the bet amount.

The next player then hides this card.

First player to 200 points, wins!


Tutorial artwork utilized a lot of images from Open Peeps They have a really neat and inclusive style. Also, they have a free and nice CCO Copyright thing.

Rules Proofing by Yoni Goldstein.

Thanks also to The Game Crafter for doing this and the nice Discord community that they run.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date January 09, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Each round is super quick! Like so, so fast. Minutes even!
  • You can play with as many people as you want!
  • All you need is a timer! Maybe a phone or a watch?


  • This game does not come in a box.


See It In Action

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