As an avid member of Ito High School’s After School Curse Club, a group of girls who enjoy getting together to tell ghost stories, you’ve always dreamed of encountering a real Yūrei (A vengeful Japanese spirit). Unfortunately, after participating in a childish game meant to summon spirits, you get your wish.
Now, trapped in the high school after dark, it’s up to you and your fellow club members to search the school and find six Talismans to stop the bloodthirsty Yūrei you summoned from killing you all.
After School Curse Club is a roll and write style role playing game that is easy and fast to play. It is suitable for up to four players but works best solo.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | August 27, 2020 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
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