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Age of Heroes

Age of Heroes is a "goose-round" board game, creature and character cards, and magic cards.




Age of Heroes é un gioco da tavolo con "giro dell'oca", carte di creature e personaggie, e carte magia. Ambientato in un mondo fantasy, crea il tuo esercito, combatti, commercia creature, raccogli cristalli per creare un esercito imbattibile, fai battaglie epice per la conquista della vittoria, sfida i tuoi amici a colpi di spada, artigli e magia. Scegli fra 8 eroi per definire la tua razza, e combatti contro oltre 60 creature differenti. Il gioco é in italiano.

Age of Heroes is a "goose-round" board game, creature and character cards, and magic cards. Set in a fantasy world, create your own army, fight, trade creatures, collect crystals to create an unbeatable army, make epic battles to win the victory, challenge your friends with swords, claws, and magic. Choose between 8 heroes to define your breed, and fight against over 60 different creatures.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date August 19, 2017
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Set in a fantasy world
  • create an unbeatable army
  • challenge your friends with swords, claws, and magic.

Fliuzz's Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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