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Agility Gears - Game logo
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Agility Gears - Game

A unique serious play intervention to transform the wisdom of groups




The Agility Gears Board Game

“Transforming the wisdom of groups”


Wisdom - The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise.(Wikipedia)

Why play the game?

The game enables a group or team to take the first step in exploring their behaviour and thinking, and in doing so begin to recognise how the way we think, the language we use and the actions we take are all influenced by our mindset.

When to play the game?

If you have already explored the organisation or group using the Agility Magic cards you will be able to build on this insight If you have used the Navigating Collaboration resources to explore collaborative behaviours this will enable you to view the group again through a slightly different ‘lens’

Either way, you will have started to recognise how these aspects interrelate and are ready to develop a language and structure to explore mindsets a little more deeply in your group or team.

What's the game exploring?

It explores behaviours within or around the group taking either an INWARD FOCUS: What do the people in the group observe about the way it is operating? Or an OUTWARD FOCUS: What do the people in the group observe going on around them?

It considers thinking through 4 themes: DRIVERS, OPERATIONS, STRATEGY & META-VIEW


  1. Understand which of the 4 ways of thinking dominate the behaviour of your group from an internal and/or external perspective.

  2. Have considered how you may start to adjust these behaviours to enhance group thinking and performance

  3. Be more aware of the influence of mindsets and recognise potential ‘blindspots’ in your thinking

What might we like to do next?

To deepen your thinking and enquiry skills consider the Agility Thinking Board Game

If not done so already take a look at the Navigating Collaboration Game as this also introduces elements of 'mindsets' in a safe and accessible way

Consider joining our Agility Gears training for delivering these resources to understand more about the underlying theory and practice


Agility Gears and the associated Advancing Agile Mindsets® resources have been created to raise awareness of the impact of mindsets on a group in a ‘safe’ and accessible way. In doing so enhancing several areas including learning, collaboration, well-being, innovation and productivity all key to the agile workplace.


Component Quantity Photo
Large Retail Box 1 Large Retail Box component icon
Tarot Deck 1 deck of 14 cards Tarot Deck component icon
Tarot Deck 1 deck of 28 cards Tarot Deck component icon
Six-Fold Game Board 1 Six-Fold Game Board component icon
Jumbo Booklet 1 Jumbo Booklet component icon
Tarot Tuck Box (40 cards) 1 Tarot Tuck Box (40 cards) component icon
Church, Wood, Black 1 Church, Wood, Black component icon
Church, Wood, White 1 Church, Wood, White component icon
Gem, Clear 1 Gem, Clear component icon
Gem, Green 1 Gem, Green component icon


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 11, 2019
Edition Second
Department Games
More Info Agility Gears - Game web site

Why buy this?

  • Mindsets directly impact the way we relate & respond
  • If as a group we are more 'aware' we can 'see' more options
  • Small changes in language & behaviour can transform groups


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.

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