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Albino Rhino: Gift Exchange logo

Albino Rhino: Gift Exchange

Think "White Elephant," but way more fun!




Step 1. Have each player bring a gift (gift-cards, scratch-off's, a copy of this game, etc.) We recommend setting a dollar amount, so everyone is on the same page. One year we each gifted our favorite movies. Another year, we did gift-cards. Be creative with it. Set all of the gifts in the middle of the table and when everyone is present, just grab a gift from the center.

Step 2. Deal 3 Cards to each player. This game plays up to 12 players. Combine two decks and you can play up to 24 (I come from a big family : )

Step 3. Figure out who is going to go first. You can roll the dice, use a randomizer app, play rock, paper, scissors, or just let Grandma go first!

Step 4. On your turn, play one card and then discard it, unless the card states otherwise. If you have zero cards in you hand, roll the dice and if you roll doubles, you may make a trade with anyone. We made up a house rule that if you do not roll doubles, then you may choose to trade with the person sitting the number of spaces to your left (indicated by the number on the green die) or with the person sitting the number of spaces to your right (indicated by the number on the red die).

Step 5. Once all players have played all of the cards in their hands, the game ends and you are stuck with the gift in front of you. If you do not like the gift that you ended up with, try to convince others to play again.

Have a Merry Christmas!


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date December 12, 2017
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Albino Rhino: Gift Exchange web site

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  • Hilarious!
  • Fun!
  • Presents!

Pugtato Productions

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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