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Amsterdamn you! logo

Amsterdamn you!

multi player Token placement game





A coin placement and gathering game for 2 or more players. Set in the beautifull city of Amsterdam. Where house owners rent out their houses. But tourist choose a place to stay based on the type of house the tourist likes most, either being it the tallest, the smallest or for example the one with the most windows. Just when the owners think they become rich, you step in as a tax collector, based on the same type of house criteria, you collect the tax money the house owner owns you.


Place some coins on the table, take 2 coins for the top of the card, they are used to select the type of house, we call them Red/Blue coins (or R/B coins). During their turn a player can only move 1 of these coins to a new square of the same color! The combination of Red and Blue suare chosen is the applicable type of house. The player chooses 1 house fitting this criteria to either place 1 coin (during Round 1) or take 1 coin (during Round 2).

ROUND 1: Renting out

First we make sure the houses or home owners get some money. They do this by renting out their house. You decide the preference of the guest, to what type of house they want to stay over. You do this by moving either the Red or Blue coin, the new combination of Red and Blue is the guest preference.


In case multiple houses fit the criteria, 1 is choosen and this house receives 1 coin. The round ends when all houses have earned at least 2 coins, but only 2 houses can have 4 coins, the rest only less.

ROUND 2: Collecting Taxes

You are the tax collector during this round and determines what types of houses shall pay their taxes to you. In fact this is roughly based on the real tax rules applied to home owners in Amsterdam. In some ancient times, you paid taxes based on the width of your house or on how many windows it had.


In this round you set the Tax criteria in your turn and start earning the money. However, tax collecting is costing a lot of red-tape effort, so eventhough more houses might fit your tax criteria you can only collect from 1 of them.

1 Extra move per round

Only once during each Round, each player can choose to move both R/B coins.

During round 1, you remove in total 2 coins! Either 2 coins from the same house or coins from 2 different houses. They are placed back on the pile of coins. Now you can move both R/B coins.

During round 2, you place 2 coins back from your own collected coins. You choose to which house or houses they go. Then you can move both R/B coins.

Alternative Play

As alternative play, you can choose to restrict the R/B coin you can move. If the previous move/player changes the Red coin, you can now only move the Blue coin (and visaversa).

How to win

Round 2 stops as soon as the 5th house lost all their coins. Whoever collected the most coins wins.In case more players collected the same amount, the win is shared.


Think strategically, know when to play your extra move, look ahead on the options the other player(s) have. If the other player(s) can´t collect on their turn, you are 1 step closer to the win!

Short overview of the basic rules

You can also watch the next short film to give you a more complete impression, have fun!

Thank you for visiting this page and learning about Amsterdamn you!

With this game, I´m entering the "single card challenge" contest, so if you like what you see here, please give it your vote!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 08, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • It´s Amsterdam
  • Full game on 1 Poker Card
  • Become rich ;)

Luciën Stuivenvolt

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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