The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.
Antiquity Reloaded
A deck building card game set in the Mediterranean around the late Roman Republic.
Antiquity Reloaded is an Ascension like historically themed deck building card game.
Shortly after landing in Britannia on a mission of conquest Caesar is turned back by a mighty force of Britons united under the mystical Druids. Sensing greater danger from Rome in the future the Druids use their powers to reach through time. They bring great heroes from the past and future into the fold to help fight. They restore Rome’s greatest enemy, Carthage, back to their former glory. In the panic and confusion of this situation Egypt has risen up and declared their independence from Rome as well. Now beset on all sides by powerful foes vying for territory Rome enters its darkest hour. Who will prevail in conquering the Mediterranean?