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Appula: Melt, Douse, Freeze!




Appula is a fun, 2-person family game, and it is ment for anyone over 5. The only reason it says "12+" in the sidebar is because that is the lowest you can go. I am not going to withhold the rules from you, because I want you to know what your getting when you buy this. Here are the rules:

Set Up:

First, divide the deck evenly in two after shuffling thoroughly. Each player then takes one pile.


There are 3 kinds of cards: Fire, Ice, and Water. Fire melts Ice, Ice freezes Water, and Water douses Fire. If you play a Fire card, and your opponent plays a Water card, the Water douses the Fire, and your opponent takes that round.


Each player looks at their hand, then chooses one card to play, according to what they think their opponent will play. They place their card face down on the playing surface. When both players are ready, they flip their cards over. One player will take that round by defeating their opponent as explained above. Then they set the stack aside, with their card on top. Be careful to put each round in a separate pile so that you will know when you have won or lost. If there is a tie, each player rolls the dice. The highest number takes the round.


In ordered to win, you need to either have one fire topped pile, one ice capped pile, and one water capped pile, or, you must have three of one kind of pile. When you have won, call out “Appula” and lay down the card in your hand for your opponent to see. If you did not win when you did this, your opponent automatically wins.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will get to it as soon as possible. Enjoy the game!

-Tys Sweeney


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 24, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
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  • Fun and Easy
  • Simple
  • Amazingly Exciting


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