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Arcova - Aftermath

A fantasy adventure game




This is the Second Edition.

Once the land had laid in harmony, cared and loved by its many residents. Each possessed special abilities and practiced their traditions behind the large magical barriers held up in the name of peace. But as the sun arose the day after Bealon Rhakal's death, its rays touched the empty throne... and the many faces of those who meant to fill it. His death marked the end of tranquility, and from the land arose such evil that the very fabric of magic was torn asunder.

Now, the sun has shone on you. Raise an army, restore the magic, heal the land; for five centuries has past since a hero was last seen.
The future of Arcova is in your hands.

2 Game Modes
Adventure mode for 2 to 6 players
PVP Mode for 2 players

Arcova is a table top board game. Roll a die and move freely around the map gathering resources.
- The Retainer cards are your warriors. You use them to battle other players.
- The Weapon and Magic cards are an accompaniment to your Retainer and add either Strength or Spell power to your Retainers attack.
- Armour cards help protect you from specific weapons or spells.
- Happenstance cards keep you on your toes. They may give you an advantage, an Artifact, or give you a choice of action.
- Treasure cards are lost and forgotten items that can give you special abilities.

You must make your way to the Temple of the last 4 standing Elements; Water, Fire, Air, and Earth. Once you have collected them, and you have gathered an army or at least a value of 4000g, be the first to reach the temple of the Order, and cast the spell of Unity.


" The game is a lot of fun. It introduced a very interesting card and combat system! "
Ali B. Hal-Con

" This game is a great game design for entry level gamers... It is a competitive game that does not take itself to seriously ( ie. talisman). "
Patricia R. Hal-Con

" A perfect gateway game. I would play this with friends who aren't already gamers. A definite addition to a game room. "
D. G. Hal-Con


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date December 10, 2013
Edition Second
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Arcova - Aftermath web site

Why buy this?

  • Multiple Play Modes
  • Original setting and characters
  • Dynamic Battles

Drewling Panda Games

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  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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