Argyle is a number line game that is one part backgammon, one part checkers, and one part tug of war. Here two players face off along a row of thirteen diamonds representing positive and negative points on either side of a zero position. Players work to move their pieces in such a way as to land on and capture those of their opponent. Victory comes when only one player’s piece(s) remain.
Movement is determined by two factors – a spin of the spinner and a roll of two of four dice (two white, and two green). The spinner decides which dice combination will be used (white dice represent negative numbers, and green dice represent positive numbers). Players roll the combination indicated by the two ends of the spinner and then add the two resulting numbers together in order to move one of their pieces forward or backward on the number line.
Strategic choices involve which pieces should be moved when they should be moved, and even what sort of equation should be used when one of the Wildcard options come up on the spinner.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 3 reviews |
Publish Date | April 30, 2015 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |
More Info | Argyle web site |