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Around the World in 10-15 Minutes (One-Way) logo

Around the World in 10-15 Minutes (One-Way)

A print-and-play game to let you travel the world!




Travel the world, Explore the cities, and Collect some souvenirs!

Action selection, follow the leader, set collection

1-99 players (with a solo and megagame mode), 10-15 minutes, 8 and up

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What is Around the World in 10-15 Minutes?

Phileas Fogg and Jean Passepartout needed 80 days in the classic novel, but you’ll only need 10-15 minutes.

Each player takes a sheet and marker / pen, then draws a square around any city on the map. This is your starting city, and ultimately where you’ll be returning to after your round-the-world trip.

Each turn, one player is the Navigator (place the piece in front of them) while everyone else is a Follower. They get to choose one action which all players (including themselves) must take. The Navigator may take the selected action once or twice, while Followers take the selected action once. There are three actions to choose from:

Travel – draw a line from one city to a connected city. Each route can only be used once, but you may revisit the same city multiple times.

Explore – explore the city you’re in. There are 4 types of sights (cultural, historical, food, and greenspace) but only 2 of them are available in each city. As an action, cross off the leftmost empty box of the sight you saw in the lower left corner.

Collect a souvenir – cross out a souvenir in the luggage grid. It must be one of the two souvenirs available on that continent.

When any player has visited at least one city on each continent and returned to their starting city, the game ends. Everyone gets one final turn to take one final action, then we count up points to see who wins!


One identical sheet and one marker or pen per player. This game is made to be easy to break out during a coffee break, as a light filler, while waiting for food at a restaurant, or even on a plane!

What do I need to play?

The print-and-play file has Letter-sized and A4-sized sheets. Just print 1 sheet per player and give each player a pen or marker of any color.

Lots of languages available!

After purchasing, the rules are available in Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Indonesian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish, Swedish, and Ukrainian.

UPGRADE? Want to add the US map and the Europe map for only $3 more? Go check out this listing:


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 12, 2024
Edition One Way (World Map only)
Department Games
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More Info Around the World in 10-15 Minutes (One-Way) web site

Why buy this?

"It's an interesting little game that offers a lot to think about in a very short period of time!"

  • Travel the world, Explore the cities, and Collect souvenirs
  • Action selection, follow the leader, set collection
  • Also available: the US and Europe maps


  • This game does not come in a box.


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