Athena's Garden is a game of magical plants for 2-4 players. In this game, players set traps in the deck for other players to fall into, forcing them to lose cards or sometimes causing you to gain cards. But you can also cast a wide range spells to tip the odds in your favour by migrating enemy plants or boosting your hand size.
The aim of the game is to be the last one standing by forcing your opponents to lose cards from picking up your face up plants. If they run out of cards, they are eliminated.
The game gets more and more intense as you go through the game, as the amount of face up plants increase and the amount of safe cards you can draw deplete...
Each player has at least 1 Leader card. Each Leader card represents a plant tribe. If you get a plant card that is in the same tribe as your you Leader card you can plant it into the deck.
Planting a card is when you shuffle a plant card face up into the deck. Face down plant cards' effects aren't triggerd when drawn even though the effect starts with "when drawn". Plant cards' effects can only be triggered when drawn face up.
Eventually, your plant card will surface to the top of the deck because everyone must draw at least 1 card per turn. When someone draws your card they will have to follow the card effect which is almost always bad for them.
In this case, the player who drew the Serrated Flower must discard 2 cards and the owner (the player with the corrosponding Leader card) may draw 1 card. Afterwards, your plant goes to the bottom of the deck instead of to their hand.
Don't worry if you draw a card you planted because your Leader card makes you immune to the effects of active plants from their tribe. The more cards you plant, the more likely it is for opponents to draw your card.
Cast Spells - Athena's Garden comes with a wide range of spell cards that add extra possibilities on your turn. Will you set your opponents on fire or poison their plants?
Plant Cards - To win in Athena's Garden, you have to plant the right cards into the deck. If an opponent draws your plant something bad will happen to them. There are many plants with different effects, so you have to plant the right cards in order to crush your opponents.
Four Unique Plant Tribes - Each plant tribe comes with their own unique set of plants for you to use. The four tribes are the Chomper tribe, the Flower tribe, the Magibloom tribe and the Creeper tribe. Try out different tribes and see which one you like best.
Conquer Other Tribes - If you manage to force your opponent to lose their Leader card, you get to steal it and conquer their entire tribe. This means that you can now plant cards from that tribe as well.
Compost - Composting is an essential method to get rid of cards you don't need and gain better cards while sometimes harming your opponents in the process. Win-win-win!
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 2 reviews |
Publish Date | October 25, 2020 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |
More Info | Athena's Garden web site |