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Back Stage

Find your way to the stage!




It’s always a lot of fun backstage at the show, now have that fun right in your living room while improving your acting skills.

Whether you're currently an actor, always wanted to be one, or simply like to have a good time being goofy with your friends, this game is for you.

Danger: If you take yourself too seriously, you'll miss all the fun!

Note: I designed this game to use with my High School Theater Arts class and Drama Club. It was play tested by them and all changes made were suggested by them. I owe a great debt of thanks to both groups for helping to make this game what it is.

1st Edition:
• Prototype


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date May 19, 2016
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Improve your improvisation skills!
  • Great ice-breaker at parties!
  • Keeps you from taking yourself too seriously!

Broken Table Games

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