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Barbecue logo
The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.
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Cook your meat to a turn before your opponents burn them!




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Barbecue will be available soon with new Accessory cards, and an updated gameplay !

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Barbecue was awarded the "Saucisson d'Or" (Golden Sausage) at Stratagame gaming festival !

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Barbecue is now available with the rules printed in english! The original french rules are still available as free download.

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EN > Barbecue is a light strategy game : Each player has an assortment of meats including kebabs, chops and sausages. These meats must be placed on a shared barbecue and then cooked to a turn using braising and grease to earn the most points... whilst trying to burn or smoke out the opponents meat!.

Each type of perfectly cooked meat has a points value : 1 point for Kebabs, 2 points for Chops and 3 points for Sausages.

So: Are you a Barbecue Chef... or a Pyromaniac? Let's see you prove it!

Reviews : Barbecue Game Review []

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FR > Barbecue est un jeu de stratégie léger : Chaque joueur dispose d’un assortiment de grillades : brochettes, cotelettes et saucisses. Il doit les placer sur le barbecue commun et reussir à les cuire à point en utilisant les braises et la graisse afin d'obtenir le meilleur score... tout essayant d’enfumer ou carboniser celles des autres !

Chaque grillade rapporte un nombre de points variable : 1 point pour les brochettes, 2 points pour les cotelettes, et 3 points pour les saucisses.

Alors… êtes-vous plutôt cuistot ou pyromane ? A vous de le prouver !

Revues : test de barbecue []


Component Quantity Photo
{{}} {{item.quantity}}


Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date July 11, 2014
Edition Third
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Barbecue web site

Why buy this?

This is a really fun game, light, and casual with the perfect level of intensity.

  • Neat mechanic with scalable setup !
  • Fun and engaging theme !
  • Great visuals !


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