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Barranquilla Carnaval logo

Barranquilla Carnaval

A solo dice puzzle game about the celebration of Carnaval in Barranquilla, Colombia.




Barranquilla, in Colombia, has the world’s largest Carnaval celebration outside of Rio. It is a raucous celebration lasting four days (and nights).

In this solo dice game, you take on the roles of several characters at Carnaval and try to make the most of the party by achieving the most victory points before the celebration ends.


Each round you roll six dice, and use them on one of the four character tokens with matching color. The white dice are wild and can be used on any character, to move them or activate their ability:


  • The Dancer (Red) Earn points for each token in this square, including the dancer herself!
  • The Officiant (Blue) Move the end-game marker down the score track for each token in this square.
  • The Bandleader (Yellow) Move any other token into or out of this square.
  • The Pickpocket (Black) Lose two points for every other token in this square!

By cleverly choosing the order to use the dice and the abilites, you can guide the crowd and tame the chaos of Carnaval, and earn the most victory points!

Video Overview

Print and Play

Try it out with the free print and play files. There is a color version and a low-ink B&W version available. You'll need some dice in different colors, and something like pennies or meeples to act as tokens.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 27, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Quick yet strategic dice game.
  • Tame the randomness of Carnaval
  • Try it out with the free Print-and-Play


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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