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Battle at the Arcade

Don’t be lame, beat the game!




It’s dark. The streets are quiet, and all the grown-ups are at home. However deep in the city, inside a small arcade parlor, furious battle rages on. Amidst the dazzling flashes and booming beep-and-bop of the arcade machines, Champions battle each other for pride, honor, and extra lives. Joysticks are their swords and buttons their shields; their amazing game playing skill are the stuff of legend. One wrong move, and it is Game Over, man. Who will win the crown of Arcade King? Take the challenge and join the game!

GAME OVERVIEW ..................................

Battle at the Arcade is a press-your-luck card game. A cross elements of a dice game and poker (but play without dice). Players are dealt cards from a deck, and must match them to the level’s requirement in order to earn points. However, players may also perform “Special Tricks”, swap cards and points, in order to “beat the level”. More than just luck, a deep strategic layer of choice and decision are needed to win the game. What are you waiting for, lets get the GAME ON!

FEATURES .............................................

* Easy to set up, just shuffle and go.
* Champion, Arcade, and Score cards are printed on Jumbo Cards, to make them easier to read.
* 10 different "Champions of the Arcade" to pick from. Each with their unique combination of special abilities, strength, and weakness.
* Relive the glory of the golden age Arcades. 10 different Arcade games to play from, inspired by the Classics, that adds more variation to each game.
* Chain your move together to score BIG. Flashy combos could be made to chain one move to another.
* Easy to use Score cards, with color matching cubes, to help you keep track of your game stats.
* Supports up to 4 players (more players if don’t mind using other paper to track the score. Or get another copy *smile* ).
* Full of "OH YEAH!" and "Ah, COOOOME ON" Moments.
* Only time for a quick game? Want to have an all night tournament? The game can be easily adjusted to fit your playing style.
* A fun game for a friendly game night or the whole family.

.....Comes with.....
10 x Jumbo Arcade Cards
10 x Jumbo Champion Cards
4 x Score Jumbo Cards
54 x Move Cards
16 x Cubes for Score Tracking
1 x Rule Document

.....Quick Play .....
A…Start at the level one of an Arcade Game card.
B…Each player dealt the number of Move cards according to the Arcade Game’s Level
C…Player with the least points goes first. Player tries to resolve the move cards to match the Level Requirements
D…Use your champion’s Special Tricks, as well as other actions, to make the outcome in your flavor
E…Check to see if passes the level. Pass the turn to the next player. Repeat

To get a taste of the game, read the rules first. Download the PDF on the right.

Take a look at the Card List Reference Art book to see the various cards inside.

Thank you all for your support.


Component Quantity Photo
Small Pro Box 1 Small Pro Box component icon
Poker Deck 1 deck of 54 cards Poker Deck component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 1 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 10 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Jumbo Deck 1 deck of 10 cards Jumbo Deck component icon
Document 1 Document component icon
Cube, 8mm, Blue 4 Cube, 8mm, Blue component icon


Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date September 09, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
More Info Battle at the Arcade web site

Why buy this?

  • Dynamic Gameplay - Different Strategy Each Game
  • Relive the Golden Age of Classic Arcade Gaming
  • Full of "Ah, Cooooome OOON!" Moments

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