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Battle of Asgard (Updated)

Strategic card game inspired by Norse Mythology




New layout graphics.
New Font.
Minor rule change.
Updated some cards.
Rules not included in this version! They are on


Play with one of six powerful norse Gods in Battle of Asgard. Control vikings, valkyries and beasts on the battlefield. As a God you can cast powerful seid and runegalder to destroy your opponent.

Compete for control of victory zones or face your opponent’s god directly, you choose.

The strategic elements of this game revolve around using the cards and their abilities the most effective given the available resources you have. The cards you have on your hand create different ways to solve situations you encounter. You can choose to play aggressive, taking risks or playing your cards more safe.

At the start of the game you draw a random God that has special powers. Tor for example has the ability to make a viking you control move twice each turn, or you can pay gold to send shock dame to your opponent's God. Because of this playing for battle damage to your opponent's God instead of focusing on gaining victory points is most likely a better strategy. Odin has the ability to make a viking a berserker with extra power that kamikaze itself to death. Or you can use his powerful vision to see a card in your opponent’s hand. If it is a spell it is destroyed, making Odin disrupting his opponent's plans and options.

Both players draw cards from the same deck, so there is no deck building. This and that setup takes under a minute makes Battle of Asgard perfect for quick game rounds. It is possible for players that want to customize the deck, to have one deck each, and build your own deck of thirty cards and play with.

You can choose to compete for control of victory zones in the middle of the game board that has special rules on them, or destroy your opponents’ God.
Each game you draw 3 out of 10 random victory zones that makes for great variation. Victory zone has uniqe rules on them. They variate on how much they affect the game.

If you want a battle card game where you get all the cards you need from the start and with great variation, if you are interested in Norse Mythology, or like strategy, Battle of Asgard is for you.

- The latest updated rules will always be available on Rules [] (

These videos are not up to date, but will show the general feeling of the game.

6 Gods
50 Unique playing cards
10 Victory zones
2 Phase cards


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date February 13, 2014
Edition The gamecrafter
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Battle of Asgard (Updated) web site

Why buy this?

  • Fantastic art!
  • Unique game mechanics
  • Easy to learn

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