Negotiate over where to zone for new homes and solve the housing crisis!
Bay Area Regional Planner is a game of negotiation and urban planning. For the last 40 years, the San Francisco Bay Area has added jobs faster than housing, creating the highest housing costs in the nation. In the next 25 years, millions more will arrive. To bring rent down, the new housing demand has to be not just met, but exceeded. This means over 2 million new homes.
During the 12 game rounds, you’ll negotiate with the other players to decide where to zone for those new homes. Aside from housing supply, your goals may also consider neighborhood preservation, open space, traffic, and views.
Based on actual urban planning data and tested by housing activists Bay Area Regional Planner is realistic yet easy to learn. With all players participating in simultaneous rounds, it’s also a great conversation starter and introduction to city planning and Bay Area politics.
Some people like to leave their work at the office. But maybe you're the kind of planner who likes to turn the largest challenges of the profession into a game to be enjoyed in your free time.
Based on a real world situation!
Simultaneous turns = no downtime waiting for other players!
Shared goals provide cooperative and competitive action!
This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.