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Big Red Button

The Game of Mutually Assured Destruction




Big Red Button is the game of mutually assured destruction. Each player leads a nation armed with an apocalyptic arsenal, a hunger for domination, and a finger on the button. The doomsday clock is set to midnight: only one can win, but everyone can lose.

Big Red Button is a strategy game that pits 3 to 5 players in a white-knuckle standoff set against the backdrop of the Cold War. Build your own nation's power while sabotaging your rivals and pray no one presses the button that sends everyone back to the stone age...


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 28, 2016
Edition 1.0
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Big Red Button web site

Why buy this?

  • Dr. Strangelove meets Risk
  • Easy for beginners, deep for strategy game pros
  • Great for fans of secret deals and heart crushing betrayals!

Strange But True Games

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