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Blown Away

A 1-card worker placement battle game for two tumbleweeds that have learned to control the weather.




The good news: You have discovered how to control the wind. The bad news: You're a tumbleweed, and your rival tumbleweed knows the secret, too. And now, of course, you've both decided to abuse your newly discovered power to try to destroy the other. Yep--just a typical day in the desert!

Blown Away is a one-card worker placement game for two players that takes place on a 7x7 desert grid. You and your rival will take turns commanding the wind, blowing each other around the desert into cacti, rocks and even small fires until one of you finally crumbles to the dust you deserve to be.

What you get: This game exists on a single card, with rules on the front and the playing area on the back. You receive 18 copies of Blown Away to hand out to family and friends!

What you need: Six coins (preferably dimes) and two small items to use as player tokens. We suggest small buttons, like those on a shirt collar, but other small items will work just as well. For a particularly thematic game, grab some cotton and go at it!

Playing Time: <10 minutes


How to Play

The game starts with each player placing their token in a square of their choice. Your token represents your tumbleweed, fully fluffed and ready to battle. All players start with 10 Fluff (health). Flip a coin to determine who goes first.

On your turn you will choose both an arrow (representing the wind direction) and a number (representing the wind speed). Cover your choices with coins--these are no longer available to choose in this round.

Your opponent must then move their token in the direction of the wind, moving a number of spaces equal to the wind speed. Their Fluff is decreased for every hazard they encounter (losing 1 Fluff for a rock, 2 Fluff for a cactus, and 3 Fluff for a fire). If they encounter an Aloe plant, however, they regain 1 Fluff. If a canyon wall is encountered (the edges of the grid), movement stops at that point.

However, commanding the wind takes its toll on you as well, blowing you in the opposite direction. You choose how far it blows you, moving a minimum of 1 space and a maximum equal to the wind speed. Wise wind warriors will use this opportunity to position themselves optimally.

Players alternate controlling the wind and blowing each other around the desert. After three turns, the coins are removed and a new round begins.

When a player's Fluff is decreased to zero, they become nothing but dust blowing in the desert wind. They also lose. If both players reduce to zero Fluff, then both players lose. Thus is life in the desert.

Sample Round

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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date December 06, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Use belly button lint as a token (if you want to)!
  • Ok, maybe that’s not actually cool … ummm …
  • Control the weather & destroy plants that are already dead!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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