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Bookmark - the Choose-Your-Path gamebook where going back and trying other options is required!




Play online via Google Docs!

This Google Drive link will let you play the entire game via Google Docs, and gives both a printable sheet and individual images of the cards


Welcome to the world of Bookmark! Bookmark is an interactive story game where you will make (and unmake! And remake!) decisions to find your way through the story. You may have played interactive stories like this in the past and been tempted to mark passages in the story to return to if you didn’t like the result. In this game, there will be items you acquire that allow you to do this within the rules of the game! In fact, this will be vital to solving the puzzles and reaching most of the endings! So grab a few bookmarks (or maybe just be willing to dog ear this book) and enjoy the game!

How to play

Take the 5 Temporal Cohesion tokens and set them near you. Place the item deck nearby as well - no need to shuffle it! Begin the game by reading section 1 of the game book. When presented with a choice, you decide which option to take and resume reading at the indicated story section.


As you read, you will acquire item cards, mundane and mystical objects and key pieces of information. When the story tells you to acquire an item, find the card from the item deck with the indicated name and take it from the deck. Unless instructed to discard it by the story, keep this item face up for the remainder of the game session - even if you travel through time!

Most items have a story number modifier on it. To use an item at a story location, add its modified number to the current story section number and check that story section. If that section begins with the icon for that item, you have been successful and may resume reading from the new section. If it does not have the correct icon, your item usage has failed. Return a Temporal Cohesion token to the box and return to your original section where you attempted to use the item.

If you lose the last Cohesion token, you become unmoored in time! Read section 500 for details on your tragic fate!

You will also encounter a special item early in your adventure, the ‘Bookmark Crystal’. This item will allow you to legally (and without loss of Cohesion) return to earlier sections of the story. At any time during the game, you may use the crystal to return to any story section you’ve visited!

Item Locked Icon Some sections will be marked with the following icon haltsmall.png

This means things are happening too quickly for you to respond to, and items cannot be used and you will likely suffer a grisly fate.


There are several endings to the story, marked with the phrase THE END, good, bad, and somewhere in between. Try to discover them all!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If the ending section does not have the icon, items can still be used!


Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date April 29, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Time Travel
  • Multiple Endings
  • Hidden paths

Steven Vesci

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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