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Command your fleet to victory!




A game of strategy for Men of Sophistication

Move your ships in the timeless ballet of naval war, bringing your cannons to bear and avoiding the guns of your foe. With careful guidance your captains will annex enemy isles and smash their targets. However, lose track of the battle and your opponent will quickly strike you down.

Broadside uses a simple facing and movement system to simulate Age of Sail ships wheeling through the ocean and lining up broadsides on each other. Four islands control their surroundings and offer an objective for admirals to capture, while winds provide a random element that must be addressed when planning strategic movement.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 11, 2012
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Easy to learn, difficult to master
  • Elegant, timeless positional mechanics
  • Quick setup and play makes it perfect for pickup games

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