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A racing strategy game in 18 cards




Cadence is a 2 player biking game in which players are professional cycle racers going head to head on a race circuit. Racers use their stamina, shift gears, make use of abilities like 'drafting', 'sprinting', 'hydrating', 'attacking' and strive to reach to the finish line first. The game makes use of unique mechanics like card interlocking, sliding and rotating cards, 3D like vertically folded racer cards to fit a fairly complex but tactical game in just 18 cards. The race is played on a track made up of 6 'track cards' which are either flat sections or climbs and descends of different gradients. Double sided track cards allow for a second more difficult track to be made from the backs of the card giving replay ability. There are 2 racers to chose from while they each have their own special abilities the other one does not have. You can play a big game of 3 laps or a short filler of 1 lap, so immerse yourself in the world of bike racing, micro style!

Cadence on BoardGameGeek:
Cadence: Road Racing Championship | Board Game | BoardGameGeek []

Rules and more info can be found here:
[WIP] Cadence | BoardGameGeek | BoardGameGeek []

Card Wrap Version:
Cadence - road racing championship []

NOTE- This is game is to be kickstarted this year and this only prototype version of it. Therefore all art here is placeholder and some rules might change. Although, if you do purchase the game, we would be more than happy to hear feedback about play and list you as one our precious playtesters when we make the final game. If you wish to send feedback, this is my email -


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date May 11, 2015
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Thematic micro game with a lot of cycling tactics
  • 2 tracks, solo and 3-4 player variants and fun mechanics
  • All for a very affordable price

HAWK creations

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