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California Water Crisis

Cities and farms both need water, and you're stuck with hard choices.




California Water Crisis is a fun and educational game about California water politics. Take the role of one of California's three main regions (NorCal, SoCal, and the Central Valley) and try to find a solution to the fundamental cause of California's drought: there's more water demand than there's water.

Based on extensive research on California water history and current conditions, California Water Crisis will expose you to real world challenges such as special interest groups, groundwater depletion, and population growth.

Providing realism and replay value, the 3 regions have different starting resources, weaknesses, and potential strategies. This game takes about 10 minutes to learn and about 40-60 minutes to play.

Visit the game website at for rules and photos of games in progress.

BoardGameGeek Entry: California Water Crisis | Board Game | BoardGameGeek []


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Average Rating 3 reviews
Publish Date December 03, 2014
Edition 2014
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info California Water Crisis web site

Why buy this?

  • 3 scenarios representing today, the past, and the future!
  • Based on extensive scientific and political research!
  • 3 vastly different regions to play as!


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