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Capital Vices First Edition logo
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Capital Vices First Edition

Resource driven micro game for 2-3 players and playable in 20min




Anyone who seeks to lead a virtuous existence knows that sin lies everywhere. In Capital Vices, you are a new resident of the Capital trying to coexist in a city where food and money are limited but the temptation to sin abounds. Careful distribution of these resources is the path to virtue, but beware: your actions are not without consequence. Every operation may help the individual’s spiritual progress at the expense of the whole… or vice-versa. Avoid the seven deadly sins, embrace the seven heavenly virtues, and you’ll be victorious!

In Capital Vices players take actions in order to distribute colored resources of food and money. Doing so will earn you virtues but be sure not to generate a sin penalty! Ending a round with sin will omit you from scoring that round. Have the most virtue and earn a bonus point. The first player to have 7 points at the end of a round is the winner.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date January 10, 2019
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Incredibly portable with only 18 cards in a small package
  • 8 2-sided resources of 4 colors for high game variability
  • Simple and unique gameplay with meaningful choices


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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