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Chain Links

Don't break the chain, or it might break you!




In Chain Links you keep adding links to the chain, but watch out. If you break the chain you will suffer the consequences. Can you get rid of all your links before your opponents so?

The five rules are simple:
Rule #1
Never play a card that has the same color as the top card in the chain.

Rule #2
If Count Up is facing up, the number on your card must be higher than number on the top card of the chain, unless you play a Flip card.
If Count Down is facing up, the number on your card must be smaller than the number on the top card of the chain, unless you play a Flip.

Rule #3
The only way to flip the Count Down / Count Up card is to: Play a 1: This flips the Count Down card to Count Up; .Play a 12:This flips the Count Up card to Count Down; Play a Flip: This flips the Count Up / Count Down card to the opposite side.

Rule #4
When a Flip is played, the color of the Flip is what is used for Rule #1, and the number on the card under the Flip is the value you use for Rule #2.

Rule #5
If you cannot play a card, draw one from the draw pile. If you can play the card drawn, do so, if not play passes to the next person. If there are no more cards to draw from, leave the last Link of the chain and the Flips that are on it and shuffle the rest to create a new draw pile.

Play all your cards and you win!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 11, 2013
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Chain Links web site

Why buy this?

It is easy to learn, simple to understand, and quick to play. We were up and running immediately and bringing new players in was effortless.

  • Kids can play
  • Very fast game
  • Great filler game

UnemployedGames's Games

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