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Christmas Gift Edition: Candy or Coal logo
Christmas Gift Edition: Candy or Coal logo

Christmas Gift Edition: Candy or Coal

If the card lands candy up, the target now owns the game. If they get coal, though, they lose!




Is your friend naughty or nice? Let fate decide, in this game where you throw a card at someone and their status will be determined by how the card lands. Candy side up means they're on the nice list, while those on the naughty list get coal. If they got candy, though, they also win the game and get to keep the card.

Makes a great holiday gift, easily slipped into Christmas cards and stockings, or an ice breaker game to include in holiday parties with friends, coworkers, or family. In this deluxe holiday pack, get 90 cards ... enough to provide a quick, unique, and fun gift to everyone you encounter this holiday season!




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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date June 26, 2024
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Christmas Gift Edition: Candy or Coal web site

Why buy this?

  • Christmas holiday theme
  • A game and a gift in one
  • Whole game on a single card

The Philosopher's Stone Games

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  • This game does not come in a box.


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