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Build the vehicles you need to race to a legendary Steampunk treasure!




"Stories have been told concerning COG for years. A legendary site of wealth and knowledge, which very well could lead us out of this great era of Steam works and launch us into a new technological era. By all rights, many consider COG nothing but myth. Until recently, I too would have referred to it as myth...But COG is very real. Only I and one other have the knowledge to discover it. So, what more can I say but: Let the race begin."

- Excerpt from the Journal of Ezekial Geargrinder

In COG, two players race to construct eight steam Machines by using characters, resources, their own wits and a little bit of chance. Using Character cards and Machine abilities means that each game will have a different strategy - whether that's speed building, stealing resources from an opponent, or destroying your opponents Machines. The race is on, and to the winner goes the spoils.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date August 25, 2012
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • A Race to a legendary treasure set in a Steampunk society!
  • Build Machines, Gamble, Blow things up - it's got it all!
  • 44 unique Machines to build and use!

Third Place Products

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