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Colors and Numbers (English) logo

Colors and Numbers (English)

A crossover between carcassonne & dominos with a unique twist and a few different rulesets.




This is the English version of the game. You can also order the second edition of the game, which is cheeper and has English and Dutch rules, by clicking this link:
(De 2e editie heeft Nederlandse en Engelse regels. Hij is te bestellen via deze link:)
Colors and Numbers []

In this colorful game you play one card each turn. Each card makes the "game board" a little bigger. Every card has to match its neighbors, either in color or in number of dots. Depending on the rule-set you use, you either score points directly by playing your card, or you get to place a pawn that will help you claim a territory. Each territory you have claimed this way will score you points later on in the game.

If you want to, you can also invent your own rules and play many more versions than the 3 games included in the rulebook.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date September 06, 2014
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • 3 games in one (3 spellen in één)
  • Strategical gameplay (Een strategisch spel)
  • Colorful and fun (Kleurrijk en vrolijk)


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