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Comeback City logo

Comeback City

Build your city and watch it crumble, then build it up again.




Welcome to Comeback Town a friendly community built with an eye to the future and… {deafening primal scream}. What is that thing?!?! {second, closer primal scream} No, no, not the town. {the sound of crunching buildings and tank fire preceding one last primal scream of agony}. Welcome to the remains of Comeback Town, would you like to help us build a Comeback City?

Build your city based on the demands of your citizens. Once your city grows to 16 cards, disaster strikes and tears your city apart. Rebuild from the disaster within a set number of turns and score enough points to clear the goal to win.




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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 22, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Push your luck choosing the size of your destruction.
  • Resource system organically adds demand for lacking sectors.
  • Solo game lets you play whenever YOU want to.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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