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Construction Words

It's time to put your hard hat on and construct some words, use card abilities and collect wrenches!




The Objective:

Compete with friends to collect construction cards and gain wrenches. When there are no more construction cards, the player with the most wrenches wins!

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What's this game about?

Constructing words isn’t always about having a large vocabulary. It does help, but being skipped or having collected cards taken away from you can really slow down your hard work. This is no time for a lunch break! Get out there and construct some words! Remember there are no foreign words, no proper nouns and no words you can’t find in a dictionary. Use letter cards to complete words on a construction card. If you do, collect the construction card for wrenches. Some construction cards have abilities. These are one-time abilities, but can be used to prevent another player from collecting more points, allow you to play twice or even change the play rotation of the game. Once there are no more construction cards, you tally up wrenches.

How To Play:

The youngest player will begin the game, and then play continues clockwise. Note: There are construction card abilities that can alter the game rotation after the first round begins.

Play letter cards from your hand to complete a word on a construction card within the construction site. If you legitimately complete a word on a construction card, discard the letter cards used to complete it. Then you collect the construction card. Keep it near you, face up.

Draw back up to seven letter cards in hand from the letter card deck. Draw a new construction card from the construction deck and replace the card that was collected from the construction site. Place the new construction card face up for everyone to view. This will end your turn.

Alternatively, if you don’t like your letter cards in hand, you can discard any amount and draw back up to seven letter cards. This will end your turn.

What's Gobo Games?

Gobo Games began because I just really wanted to make games... for you to play and stuff. It was the year of our boredom 2015, that Gobo Games was officially born. Based out of Lafayette, Louisiana, I aim to bring entertainment to your tables. Grab your family, your friends, your imaginary acquaintances and even randomly selected people you don't know. It's time to game!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 10, 2016
Edition First Edition
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Construction Words web site

Why buy this?

  • For beginners or advanced players!
  • Use card abilities to alter play or mess with friends!
  • A word game with untraditional game play and mechanics!

Michael Godbold

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