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An Interstellar game of commerce and tax evasion.




“Brave New Era, my backside,” you mutter.

The trade alliance between the Terrans and the Hushnari was supposed to open up vast new opportunities for wealth. Guess it depends on whose wealth you’re talking about. The only thing you personally have to your name is this bucket of bolts your tax invoice still insists is space ship. Truth be told, your name is only on the title because the bank can’t find you to serve a repossession notice.

You’ve just dropped out of warp in an uncharted sector hoping to score a few credits towards the huge debt. As usual, you’re not alone. You’ve picked up beacon idees from several other trader ships. You recognize the sigs, fellow entrepreneurs whose craft and financial prowess rival your own. The race is on to establish contact with the locals.

“Initiating scan, Skipper,” Koory announces from the helm. You’re not quite sure why she sticks around. Must be the massive credits you pay her when you finally eek out a sale.

A cracked speaker emits what might have once been a cheerful sounding ping.

“Aw crash!” Koory curses. “THUGs.”

“Great,” you mutter. “Wonder what they’re gonna contra this time?”

“Probably whatever we’re carrying,” she replies.

It’s standard, if somewhat questionable, practice. Enforcer units from the Terra/Hushnar Unified Government (THUGs, for short) love to show up in crowded trade zones and wait for traders to do business, then swoop in and declare some product or other as contraband. They confiscate the stuff and charge a hefty fine to boot.

“'Nother day, 'nother dollar,” you shrug, though neither a day nor a dollar has much meaning out here in the void. You keep your eyes pinned to the scanner, hoping you turn up some profitable trades. Space knows you need some.

In Contraband you play the part of a barely-making-it trader in the uncharted frontier of space. Can you gather goods, avoid collecting contraband, and somehow turn a profit?


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date February 08, 2014
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • deduction
  • trading
  • get rich quick as a space entrepeneur!


  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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