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Core Breach

Monitor the temperatures of your FTL engine core and hope your ship doesn't vaporize!




A simple game of dice roll and effect.
Play head-to-head with up to 6 players!


Players are Starship cadets working in Engineering, monitoring the temperature levels of the Phase Engine Core Transducers* (*nerd alert: not a real thing).
Each player must monitor temp levels as they rise (and fall) eventually leading to Core overloads and breaches.

The goal is to be the last functioning starship(player).

Each player gets a Roll and Effect card, along with an Engine Core Temperature Monitoring card.
5 disc Markers are distributed to each player, and all players share the use of one D6 and one D20 die.
The clear disc markers are placed on the (5) nominal levels of the Engine Core Temp Monitoring card.
A D6 roll, lowest number, will determine who goes first.
Taking turns, each player rolls a D20 and refers to their Roll and Effect card for whatever engine core change must take place.
Then, rolling the D6 will decide what Temperature column is affected by the D20 roll.
Rolls will raise and lower, in varying amounts, the temperature column markers, moving them closer and closer to overload and potential breach!
A roll could even affect an opposing player's temps!
Once two of your five temperature columns reach the Core Breach level, your ship is destroyed and your game is over.

Play continues until only one ship(player) is remaining.


6 jumbo Roll and Effect cards, 6 jumbo Engine Temp (game play)cards, 30 clear disc markers, 1-D6 die, 1-D20 die, fully printed box.
Instructions are printed on the box bottom.

Game play duration will vary depending on the number of players and roll outcomes.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 23, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Core Breach web site

Why buy this?

  • Easy to learn. Easy to play.
  • The Bantar of Altairus prime also thinks it's great!
  • Space is cold...very cold.

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