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Corporations logo
Corporations logo


A two to four player game about the most powerful entities known to man. Corporations!




Do you have the most power, and prestige of all your friends? You'll have to underhandedly and surprisingly steal your friend's corporations, before they steal yours.

Tuck Box Game with 70 Cards (1 3x Power Cards, 3 2x Power Cards, 9 1x Power Cards, 1 3x Money Cards, 3 2x Money Cards, 9 1x Money Cards, 1 3x Stock Cards, 3 2x Stock Cards, 9 1x Stock Cards, 10 Junk Bonds, 3 War Bonds, 18 corporation cards.), and a Rule Card.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date June 15, 2014
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Corporations web site

Why buy this?

...the mechanics are very simple and only basic math is involved; making this great for children to be able to pick up and play. It’s also engaging enough for adults.

  • Be a Fat Cat with none of the work.
  • Industry!
  • Stock Portfolios!

Monkey Finger Games

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