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Crap Amidst Hilarity

A despicable, unauthorized expansion for Cards Against Humanity®.




Neither Cards nor Crabs vile enough for you? Check this Crap out! All new despicable cards written by a truly despicable bastard, for use with Cards Against Humanity™.

A truly despicable man was introduced to a card game by his truly despicable son. The despicable pair had many hours of despicable fun playing the game with other despicable people, but they found the game just was not despicable enough. Being a right bastard, the despicable man wrote new, despicable cards for use with the game. These are those cards.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date November 11, 2015
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Crap Amidst Hilarity web site

Why buy this?

I'm giving a thumbs-up to this one.

  • Vile, improper and decidedly NOT politically correct!
  • Created and tested by highly disturbed individuals!
  • May or may not have been produced without harming unicorns!

Despicable Bastards

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