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Assemble a team, restore their powers, and defeat the evil Professor Dollop!




Your first day on the job as Superhero Team Assignment Coordinator doesn't quite go as planned when the evil Professor Dollop attacks, draining your heroes' powers and scattering them across the city. It's now up to you to gather a team of heroes, complete different challenges to restore their powers, and battle Professor Dollop and his minions before they destroy the city!

While the game says 12+, it can really be played with anyone who can read! There's even a special game mode in the instructions to keep younger gamers from getting frustrated with the challenge of the game.

If you're looking for a fun game to play with the whole family, a group of friends, an army of small children, your least favorite cousins, or a gaggle of superhero nerds, Crossover is the game for you!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 25, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Can be played and enjoyed by kids and adults alike!
  • Unique teams to mix and match!
  • WARNING- Contains really awesome superheroes!


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