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An updated take on the classic game "Kings cup"




Welcome to CUP”Z”. A take on the classic game of king’s cup. Each player enters this post-apocalyptic world as a survivor, humans banded together to defeat the zombie hoard. You may get thirsty along the way, but be careful, anytime you take a drink you will be attacked by a zombie. Lose and become part of the hoard. Win and continue surviving.

Place an empty cup in the middle of the table and arrange the cards face down around the cup, fanned out, without any gaps between cards. Each player begins the game as a human player and takes turns drawing cards then following that card’s directions. When you draw a card you must follow the directions for that card. If a card forces a human player to drink, if someone must drink because a rule is broken, or if your dumb ass dropped dice on the floor then you must fight a zombie.

To fight a zombie the human player rolls the 12-sided die. If all players are human than any other player rolls the 6-sided die for the zombie hoard. If the zombie hoard rolls higher than the human player, then the human player becomes a zombie. However, if there is a zombie player, then any zombie player may roll the 8 sided die against the Human player. If the zombie rolls higher than the human player, then the human player becomes a zombie.

The first three times a cup is drawn that player may add any liquid into the cup. But beware you may be the one forced to drink its contents. Because whoever draws the final cup must drink its contents, but only if they are a zombie. If they are human they may pick which zombie drinks it. And in the rare case that ALL players are human each player must face the hoard until a loser is chosen.

Can you survive long enough that someone else must drink the cup or will you be the zombie that drinks the vile sludge?

Comes with a card that can be added to your "Jesus Party" deck to challange opponents to a mini game of Cup"Z".


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date February 01, 2024
Edition First
Department Games
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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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