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Delectable Drinks





Whatchamacalit is a fast fun party trivia game. The Delectable Drinks variant challenges you and your friends to identify tasty beverages based upon their ingredients.

To play you divide your party into teams of three or more players. The more players, in each team, the more likely you are to get correct answers. Each team picks a reader. The reader's job is to lead the team to victory by choosing which order to read the cards in, and to make decisions with specialty cards. The reader will read the list of ingredients in the drink "ice cubes and water", and it's the team's job to shout "Ice Water!". Of course, the cards in the game describe much more complicated drinks.

All the drinks in the game come with a full ingredient list and photo. They're so tasty you might just find yourself with a craving during the game.

All Whatchamacalit variants may be played alone, or combined to form a more complex trivia game.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 24, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Can be played as a drinking game or just as a trivia game.
  • A wide variety of drinks will be sure to stump your friends.
  • A few rule bender cards at a twist of lime to every game.

The Game Crafter, LLC

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